Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Just a thought

I realize that it's been a while since i posted anything, i apologize. The end of the semester has caught up with me and things are a bit crammed. But i just had a thought i had to share.

I work with elementary school students, and sometimes - most of the time - they get upset over small stuff. Who kicked the ball out, who's first in line, why the other kid won't listen about making inappropriate dating noises during quiet time. Now while none of these is pleasant, and i try to address all of them at my work, the biggest thing i try to address is their perspective to them, the kindergartners, there is no other pressing issue but what we are having for snack. That's the most important thing in their little world. So the least i can do for them is give them the grace to work through it, and give them information when i know it, silly answers when i don't.

I think what I'm really trying to say here is it's important to put yourself in someone else's shoes. You hear it all the time, and it might be cliche - but just think - what one thing is most important to the person right now in their life? Maybe they are about to graduate, or have a wedding, or are having family troubles at home. Well in an ideal world kids wouldn't have to deal with half the stuff on their plates, but even so it's important to figure out what ismost important to that child, and then build your opinion with that perspective in mind. It might just change, or save a life.