Sunday, September 22, 2013

I'm Alive!!!!

A lot has been going on recently, but I think I am going to try and take the next week or so to try and catch up over the last two years. I have been having ECT treatment, and I will explain why later, but it effects my short term memory so I will be updating on here as much as I remember to do so.

I am knitting again, and will take pictures of all my glorious dishclothes that are for Christmas and post them on here. It is just late tonight and I am not up to it.

I have a new faster computer that is really just a chromebook, but it does everything that I need it to do so all is good.

I am spinning again, and have a whole fleece to process and spin just in general, no deadline really.

Again, pictures will be posted later. Two of my cousins are now married and I have been to both weddings, but I only remember one.

I will include a more detailed update as much as I can remember over the course of the next couple of days.

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