Sunday, December 27, 2015

Episode 20 - UFO Parade!!

So this week the episode is what feels like forever long. I show ALL my UFOs- Unfinished Objects. I took pictures of them all too. This week is just massive. But I have a reason for doing this- accountability. I want to show everything that I tuck away because I've gotten tired or bored of it and bring it out into the light of day so that it can get some fresh air, and if I've shown you everything that I am working on, then maybe I will also be more inclined to finish them. That is my ultimate goal, to have no more UFOs by the end of the year. I am also on a yarn diet. I am trying to focus myself on the things that I already have and have started instead of always jumping ahead to the next biggest and brightest thing. That being said, enjoy the show!

First, there are a couple different categories of UFOs, first there are the UFOs that I have inherited in some way (mostly through thrift store purchases), that will ultimately either be frogged or finished and given to charity. Then there are the UFOs that I have personally started, but are still on their way to charity when they are finished. Finally, there are the UFOs that I have started for either me and my loved ones and they have been caught up on some detail somewhere along the way. So without further ado, let us start with the first category. UFOs that I didn't start, but will either frog or finish and give to charity.

The next category of UFOs are the projects that I have either started or worked a substantial amount on, and are going to end up somewhere for charity. Unsurprisingly I have several blankets in this category, but also a sweater for the Knit for Kids charity.

First a granny ripple afghan.

The infamous Knit for Kids sweater that is just missing one arm.

A garter stitch baby blanket made with skinny yarn on small needles.

An afghan that was started in my college dorm days and I honestly have no idea why it didn't get done. I might have run out of yarn, but that is clearly not a problem now, really I have no excuse.

A ripple with Lion Brand Homespun yarn, I just really don't like the way the yarn behaves so I have been avoiding the whole thing.

My nuts for neon blanket for Project Linus that I have started working on, but got set aside, no real reason. 

Then we arrive at the last category of UFOs, the projects that I have started for either me or my loved ones, and that have languished because of some flaw in either the design, or a difficulty with the pattern, or a conflict between the needles and the project.

First there is the back to a chunky sweater, where the large needles hurt my hands, and since I was improvising the pattern, I was unsure of what to do next.

Then a cowl that I have been working on, but got stymied on because of the trepidation of doing that much kitchener stitch again to finish it up. 

A purse done in a bobble ripple that was just a little too fiddly.

A shawl that had really slick alpaca yarn and slick metal needles that had an eyelet row feature and it was hard to keep the stitches from just slipping off.

A ameniko cat that just needs sewing together, but I am not much of one for sewing, I prefer the stitching part of any project.

Two hats with the same story, just in need of a little stitching to be done.

A tunic poncho with metallic yarn that was worked with skinny yarn with a big hook and also got kind of fiddly to work with.

A construction truck blanket squares that show that I am an imperfect knitter because the intarsia is lumpy.

A Curls shawl from the Curls book by Hunter Hammersen. I didn't like the color when it was knit up, and even though I am almost done with the shawl I was never able to memorize the stitch repeat on it, so I always had to follow the chart, which gets tedious.

While I was going through all these UFOs in the podcast I pull out a little hat that I have been not working on, and remember that I was working it using the Portuguese knitting technique. I try to demonstrate this technique during my podcast, but I am afraid it is a bit of a failure, and really you just watch me knitting, and can't tell that I am doing anything differently. Also, I haven't really knit on the podcast to show you how I knit normally, so showing you how Portuguese knitting is different is kind of a moot point when you don't have anything to compare it to. Sorry! So, as promised here is a video tutorial by someone who knows what they are doing.

Now onto the WIPs, which I am including in the things that I would like to get finished this year. At the end of the year I would like to start with a clean slate. Honestly, to be completely unrealistic I would like everything off the needles at the end of my yarn diet, which is when school gets out, so I can work on whatever new projects I want to during the summer, and cast on all the things!!! Anyways, there is a lot of lace this week, I think I have just been in the lace knitting mood.

First I worked on my mitered square scrap blanket a lot this week, and added 15 squares!

Then, I started a semi-circular shawl worked on 2.5 needles, and my grandma's Christmas slipper socks, because I need to get those done pretty soon.

I also started a Tunisian crochet cowl with some yarn that is similar to Noro, but not quite.

Then there is the lace baby blanket that I am making as a keepsake, although I'm not sure who it will end up going too, I am enjoying working on it. The pattern is from Lace 101 One Skein Wonders book. I really love the entire 101 One Skein Wonders series.

I am also working on a lace scarf, just as a relaxing knitting project, with mystery sock yarn from a local craft supplies consignment shop, worked on US Size 3 needles.

Then there is the ever popular neon cowl that I am making out of Done Roving Frolicking Feet and Madeline Tosh Edison Bulb. I am working alternating seed stitch and eyelet rows with the different colors, and have two more stripes to go and then I will be done.

I also have stash enhancement this week, but mostly because it was Christmas this past week! I got needles and hooks with money from my grandparents, and I am really excited about them, I mean who wouldn't be?

I also inherited yarn from my knitting group, it's sad that this lady passed, but I will put her sock yarn to good use!

And last but not least, the best stash enhancement of all, I got a new quilt from my mommy! I love it so much. The colors are all my favorites, done in a gradient, and then the grey and black squares have different writing and math all over them. It is definitely my quilt, and I love it!

I hope that 2015 was a great year. I look forward to seeing everyone's New Year's resolutions, and Have a wonderful New Year! See you in 2016!!

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