Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It's a Beautiful Day for a Vegan Lifestyle: Day One

This is here to announce that I am starting a 10 day cleanse. I am going to not eat any meat, or animal products. So really this is just a 10 day stint into vegan eating, without any grain either. It's not going to be quite raw because I like cooked food, and I have a hard time believing that my beloved roasted veggies are really ruined because they got heated up for a little bit. So really, I am just trying to reset. I've been struggling lately with some mental instability, which while mild I would like to nip in the bud. It has mostly been anxiety related, which can really spiral out of control if you aren't careful.

I plan on documenting the next ten days on this blog, which although it's not exactly related to knitting, I thought it might be interesting. I'll also try and post what I'm working on each day,  just so we're not too far off track.

Thus far I have eaten an apple, about a cup of nuts, a mixed variety with almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, and pecans, carrots and humus. I am making a pear sauce (like apple sauce, only with pears). For lunch I ate a bowl of pear sauce, roasted zucchini, and a juice smoothie with flax seed and coconut milk.

After lunch I did 20 minutes of detox yoga from Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube.

I also ate more carrots with humus, and made some green tea that I iced. I ate sweet mini peppers stuffed with refried beans for dinner with more pear sauce.

After dinner I went to an hour long shallow water aerobics class.

I am going to do more research on what constitutes a healthy vegan lifestyle, and then do that. I will keep you updated, for now I am just doing the best I can. I drank my first green smoothie at night to tide me over to the morning.

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