Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

Soooo, basically i cannot sleep for reasons unknown to me, this is highly dysfunctional, BUT highly productive! I have only one and a half skeins left out of five to knit up for the lining of my Project Yarnway project... I am still searching for a perfect name, and hoping that I don't shrink it too much when I felt it... Oh, and trying to get my sister to model it when it is done, I think she is more photogenic, and once it is felted I don't know that it will fit me all that great....

Joined Team Crazypants forum.... looks like a good place to chill, not going into details on here, too long...

I also joined two swaps, well two and a half... no one wanted my dishcloth goodness.... ::sniff::.... oh well, the moderator is going to get two amazing dishcloths knit by yours truly. The other two swaps are the full blown, price limit, and packing and planning and spoiling goodness kind... One is themed around Alice in Wonderland, which should be a blast, and the other is themed around Bollywood, which I am really excited about- I am really excited about both of them actually, both are hitting the nail on the head as far as swaps go... now I must be secretive of stuffs I get if they are destined for swappy goodness.... (sneaks away, but trips on something, ruining everything)...


I watched some Dr. Who last night, the new one, tried an old movie, I couldn't do it, no way, no how.... The new TV show is interesting to me the same way that the firstgen Star Trek shows are interesting to me... but no real hook, line, and sinker as of yet

That and I was rewatching some Project Runway, the really dramatic season with Santino in it... you know the one I'm talking about... Interesting to look at it and think... "If this were a project yarnway challenge, and I had a month, what would I do?"... fun little games i play with myself.

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